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Friday, January 26 [download pdf]


Breakfast & Registration

The Vest Student Street (outside 32-123/141)




Session 1 (32-141)
chair: Hani Na'eem
Session 2 (32-155)
chair: Vincent Rouillard
10:30The Learnability of Syntax Islands
Annika Heuser, Hector Vazquez Martinez & Charles Yang
Covert reciprocals
Jad Wehbe
11:00Size matters: clause structure and selective opacity in Swahili relatives
Tom Meadows
What makes a plurality sentient?: grouphood as the structure of number in Ktunaxa
Rose Underhill
11:30Syntactic ergativity without inversion
in Kalaallisut

Amy Rose Deal, Line Mikkelsen & Ellen Thrane
Higher order quantification outside questions: the case of free relatives
Luis Alonso-Ovalle


Lunch (on your own!)

Special Session: Austronesian Languages (32-141)
chair: Giovanni Roversi
Session 3 (32-155)
chair: Bergül Soykan
2:30The Malayic verbal phase and Cyclic Linearization
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine & Carly J. Sommerlot
On the monotonicity of attitudes: NPIs and clausal embedding
Tanya Bondarenko & Patrick Elliott
3:00The morphological distribution of AV vs. PV in Formosan voice systems (Cancelled)
Yvette Yi-Chi Wu
Adverb order with still
Aviv Schoenfeld, Moshe E. Bar-Lev & Roni Katzir



4:00Recalling adjective-noun order in Tagalog is sensitive to phonological markedness constraints
Jed Sam Pizarro-Guevara, Alessa Farinella, John Michael De Pano & Patricia Asuncion
Before and after decomposing first and last
Johanna Alstott
4:30How to be a word in Atara Imere
Adam Chong & Coppe van Urk
Fake mass nouns and associative plurality
Yağmur Sağ


Break (and walk to MIT museum)

6:00-7:00Poster Session Abar + hors d'œuvres
MIT Museum
7:00-8:00Poster Session B

Saturday, January 27 [download pdf]



The Vest Student Street (outside 32-123/141)

Special session: Experimental Methods in Linguistic Theory (32-141)
chair: Jad Wehbe
Session 4 (32-155)
chair: Anton Kukhto
10:00Priming parasitic gaps: multiple ways to produce silence
Shota Momma, Brian Dillon & Kyle Johnson
The third person is present: an argument from determiners in generic statements
Artemis Alexiadou, Johannes Hein, Ivona Ilić & Uli Sauerland
[slides] [handout]
10:30Pseudo-scoping out of tensed clauses: the case of cumulation
Jonathan Palucci
A second-last position clitic in Sm'algyax (Coast Tsimshian)
Colin Brown & Henry Davis



11:30Experimental vs. elicited data in sign language syntax
Jessica Lettieri, Mirko Santoro & Carlo Geraci
Evidence from impersonals for [±hearer]
Carol Rose Little
12:00Close vs. Cloze: The role(s) of contact and expectancy in English pronoun preferences
Shannon Bryant
Concord feeds apparent non-local allomorphy in Bidhaawyeet
Andrew Murphy & Bob Offer-Westort


Lunch & PUMP (32-123)
(food provided)

Session 5 (32-141)
chair: Elise Newman and Stanislao Zompì
Session 6 (32-155)
chair: Eunsun Jou and Bingzi Yu
2:00Finite control in Brazilian Portuguese
Julie Anne Legate & Gesoel Mendes
Experimental evidence that learning morphophonological alternations starts local 
Caleb Belth
2:30Resolution by case syncretism in Icelandic passives
Jim Wood, Oddur Snorrason & Einar Freyr Sigurðsson
Phonetic faithfulness in counterfeeding opacity
Yeong-Joon Kim


Poster Session C
The Vest Student Street (outside 32-123/141)


Short break

4:15In defense of cyclic coordination structures: The view from German
Philipp Weisser & Luise Schwarzer
Marginal representations in loanword adaptation: affrication in Brazilian Portuguese English
Natália Brambatti Guzzo & Guilherme Duarte Garcia
4:45P0-stranding vs. p0-stranding: Phasehood and antilocality in the adpositional phrase
Andrew McInnerney
Beyond unpredictability: A GHG analysis of Greek noun stress
Giorgos Markopoulos, Eirini Apostolopoulou, Vassiliki Apostolouda & Anthi Revithiadou


Short break


Walk to dinner


Conference Dinner
Samberg Conference Center

Poster sessions [download pdf]

Poster session A
(MIT Museum, Friday, 6-7pm)

Lucas Adelino & Caitlin SmithHeight harmony and nasal vowels: An argument for agreement by correspondence  [poster]
David AdgerThe geometry of successive cyclicity [poster]
Faruk Akkuş & Lefteris PaparounasReflexivization via movement: Evidence from Turkish verbal reflexives 
Nikos Angelopoulos & Chris CollinsOn implicit arguments and logophoricity: Accounting for exempt reflexives cross-linguistically
Giuliano Armenante(cancelled)Temporal modifiers and attitude reports: Novel evidence for Keshet's IPG
Andre Batchelder-SchwabSpoken, whistled, drummed, and fluted Kinande: an asymmetry for encoding pitch and rhythm [poster]
Maša BešlinDomain mismatches in syntax and morphophonology: The case of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian adjectives
Alma FrischoffIterated Rationality Models and conjunctive readings of disjunctions
Daniel GreesonPrepositions and case at the syntax–prosody interface [poster]
Jing GaoOptional classifiers in a 'classifiers-for-numerals' language
James Griffiths & Craig SailorOn experiments on PPs with gaps in

Poster session B
(MIT Museum, Friday, 7-8pm)

Peter Grishin & Anton KukhtoInfixing outward (Alternate Talk) [poster]
Stephen Henhawk & John WhitmanA-movement and interpretation in a Northern Iroquoian language [poster]
Adèle Hénot-MortierThe French demonstrative paradigm: structurally transparent but semantically intricate
Jens HopperdietzelChange-of-state without morphology in Daakaka [poster]
Jasper JianFeature Bundling in the Left Periphery of Igbo Interrogatives [poster]
Elsi Kaiser & Sandhya SundaresanPerspectival possessor agreement in Finnish spatial PPs [poster]
Tomasz KlochowiczFree Choice Questions [poster]
Jennifer KuoHiatus avoidance and the development of Māori passive allomorphy
Haoming Li Dou and plural universal quantification in Mandarin Chinese [poster]
Kang Franco Liu & Sansan Claude HienA novel way to diagnose phonological vs. suppletive allomorphy: Progressive STAMP morph formation in Lobi [poster]
Matthew Loder, Jeremy Kuhn, Benjamin SpectorExperimentally assessing the symmetry of presupposition filtering across disjunction [poster]

Poster Session C
(Student Street, Saturday, 3.00-4.00pm)

Jonathan MacDonaldEventive VPs project AspP; Stative VPs do not [poster]
Rodrigo Ranero & Justin RoyerDeep and surface anaphora: Insights from Mayan (Alternate Talk) [poster]
Aviv Schoenfeld & Giada PalmieriEvaluating lexical countability with count-mass gender[poster]
Eli SharfRestrictive modifiers in parenthetical positions (Alternate Talk) [poster]
Wataru Uegaki, Anne Mucha, Nathaniel Imel, Shane Steinert-ThrelkeldDeontic priority – converging evidence for a universal in modal semantics
Alexander Wimmer & Mingya LiuPerfecting imperative conditionals  [poster]
Pravaal YadavPatterns and conditions on cross-clausal agreement in Hindi-Urdu 
Shumian Ye & Yiyang GuoConsidering an issue: The doubt-suspect ambiguity of Mandarin huaiyi
Ka-Fai Yip & Xuetong YuanAgreement in imperative clauses: evidence from object resumptive pronouns in Mandarin Chinese  [poster] [handout]
Michelle YuanMore on 'Lexical DP Blocking' effects in the PCC: Evidence from Mixtec  [poster]
Irina BurukinaOn the inventory of v and Voice [poster]