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Friday, October 25th

8:00 am

Koch Institute (Building 76)

10:00 am

Licensing and anaphora in Tenyidie

Andrew Murphy & Savio Meyase


10:30 am – 11:00 am


11:00 am –
12:00 pm

Is “experimental” a gradable predicate?

Kathryn Davidson
Room 76-156
(Koch Institute, Building 76)

12:00 pm –
1:00 pm

Lunch (on your own)

Pop-up mentoring session (catered)
Fourth floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)

2:15 pm

Adyghe cislocative: Canonical inverse but non-canonical PCC marker

Imke Driemel, Marie-Luise Popp & Ahmet Bilal Özdemir

2:45 pm –
4:15 pm

Poster Session 1 & Snacks
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)

5:15 pm

Children are distributive not conjunctive

Alan Bale, Dimitrios Skordos, Samuel Beech, Elena Pagliarini & David Barner

5:45 pm –
6:00 pm


6:00 pm –
7:00 pm

Feature gluttony in the syntax of hierarchy effects

Stefan Keine
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)


Saturday, October 26th

8:30 am

On-site registration & Breakfast
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)

9:30 am

Post-syntactic altruism

Emily Clem, Nicholas Rolle & Virginia Dawson

10:30 am –
10:45 am


11:45 am –
12:00 pm


12:00 pm –
1:00 pm

The contribution of sound symbolic evidence to lexically-conditioned phonology

Stephanie Shih
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)

1:00 pm –
2:30 pm

Poster Session 2 & Lunch (catered)
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)

3:00 pm

One classy number: Linking morphemes in Dutch and German

Paula Fenger & Gísli Rúnar Harðarson

Temporal reference in the absence of tense in Paraguayan Guaraní

Roumyana Pancheva & Maria Luisa Zubizarreta

3:30 pm

Talking about sources

Magdalena Kaufmann & Stefan Kaufmann

4:00 pm –
4:15 pm


4:15 pm

Quantification At a Distance and grammatical illusions

Jérémy Pasquereau, Brian Dillon & Lyn Frazier

5:45 pm –
6:00 pm


6:00 pm –
7:00 pm

Linguistics then and now: The view from NELS

Paul Kiparsky
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)

7:00 pm –
11:30 pm

Reception and Dinner

Samberg Center (Building E52)

Sunday, October 27th

8:30 am

Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)

10:30 am –
10:45 am


10:45 am

Which-questions, uniqueness, and answerhood: evidence from disjunction

Michaela Socolof, Bernhard Schwarz & Aron Hirsch

11:45 am –
12:00 pm


12:00 pm –
1:00 pm

Concepts and Compositionality (Or, ‘Escape from Alcatraz’)

Gillian Ramchand
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)

1:00 pm –
2:30 pm

Business Meeting
Room 32-123

Poster Session 1 (Friday, October 25th)

Poster Session 2 (Saturday, October 26th)