Friday, October 25th
8:00 am
Koch Institute (Building 76)
Session 1A
Room 76-156
(Koch Institute, Building 76)
Chair: Yadav Gowda
Session 1B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Martin Hackl
9:00 am
9:30 am
Pronominal licensing in Mam (Mayan)
Tessa Scott
10:00 am
Presupposed free choice and the theory of scalar implicatures
Paul Marty & Jacopo Romoli
10:30 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am –
12:00 pm
Is “experimental” a gradable predicate?
Kathryn Davidson
Room 76-156
(Koch Institute, Building 76)
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Lunch (on your own)
Pop-up mentoring session (catered)
Fourth floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)
Session 2A
Room 76-156
(Koch Institute, Building 76)
Chair: Tatiana Bondarenko
Session 2B
Room 32-155
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Anton Kukhto
1:15 pm
How to satisfy probes: person/number hierarchy effects in Äiwoo
Giovanni Roversi
1:45 pm
Interaction, satisfaction, and the PCC
Amy Rose Deal
A unified approach to several learning challenges in phonology
Ezer Rasin, Itamar Shefi & Roni Katzir
2:15 pm
Adyghe cislocative: Canonical inverse but non-canonical PCC marker
Imke Driemel, Marie-Luise Popp & Ahmet Bilal Özdemir
Stepwise Height Harmony as Partial Transparency
Caitlin Smith
2:45 pm –
4:15 pm
Poster Session 1 & Snacks
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)
Session 3A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Norvin Richards
Session 3B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Sherry Yong Chen
4:15 pm
Fixing De Morgan’s law in counterfactual antecedents
Jacopo Romoli, Paolo Santorio & Eva Wittenberg
4:45 pm
5:15 pm
Floating Conjunctions and the Syntax-Prosody Interface
Philipp Weisser
Children are distributive not conjunctive
Alan Bale, Dimitrios Skordos, Samuel Beech, Elena Pagliarini & David Barner
5:45 pm –
6:00 pm
6:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Feature gluttony in the syntax of hierarchy effects
Stefan Keine
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Saturday, October 26th
8:30 am
On-site registration & Breakfast
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)
Session 4A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Neil Banerjee
Session 4B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Boer Fu
9:00 am
Strong Case Containment is too strong: two arguments from defaults
Christos Christopoulos & Stanislao Zompì
9:30 am
Emily Clem, Nicholas Rolle & Virginia Dawson
A Foot-Based Approach to Interactions of Tonal Accent and Consonantal Strength
Björn Köhnlein & Ian S. Cameron
10:00 am
10:30 am –
10:45 am
Session 5A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Peter Grishin
Session 5B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Fulang Chen
10:45 am
Genuine Verb stranding VP-ellipsis in Lithuanian
Eva Portelance
11:15 am
Voice and Case properties of Lithuanian Complex Event Nominalizations
Milena Šereikaitė
Echo wh-questions: A scope analysis
Haoze Li
11:45 am –
12:00 pm
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
The contribution of sound symbolic evidence to lexically-conditioned phonology
Stephanie Shih
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
1:00 pm –
2:30 pm
Poster Session 2 & Lunch (catered)
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)
Session 6A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Eunsun Jou
Session 6B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Sabine Iatridou
2:30 pm
The role of time in double NPI constructions with epistemic accessibility relations
Julie Goncharov & Lavi Wolf
3:00 pm
One classy number: Linking morphemes in Dutch and German
Paula Fenger & Gísli Rúnar Harðarson
Temporal reference in the absence of tense in Paraguayan Guaraní
Roumyana Pancheva & Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
3:30 pm
The singulative of abundance: when one means a lot
Maria Kouneli
Magdalena Kaufmann & Stefan Kaufmann
4:00 pm –
4:15 pm
Session 7A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Stanislao Zompì
Session 7B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Keny Chatain
4:15 pm
On the topic of subjects: composite Probes in Khanty
Justin Colley & Dmitry Privoznov
Quantification At a Distance and grammatical illusions
Jérémy Pasquereau, Brian Dillon & Lyn Frazier
4:45 pm
It’s all in the probe: Variation in inverse marking and its implications for probe structure
Will Oxford
Learning biases in the relative order of person and number markers
Mora Maldonado, Carmen Saldana & Jennifer Culbertson
5:15 pm
Deriving variation in ergativity across Eskimo-Aleut
Michelle Yuan
The source of nonfinite temporal interpretation
Ellise Moon & Aaron Steven White
5:45 pm –
6:00 pm
6:00 pm –
7:00 pm
Linguistics then and now: The view from NELS
Paul Kiparsky
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
7:00 pm –
11:30 pm
Reception and Dinner
Samberg Center (Building E52)
Sunday, October 27th
8:30 am
Student Street, 1st Floor of the Stata Center (Building 32)
Session 8A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Danfeng Wu
Session 8B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Kai von Fintel
9:00 am
9:30 am
Quantified nouns in Tłı̨chǫ Yatıı̀ relative clauses
Shay Hucklebridge
10:00 am
On two types of resumption in Igbo and the nature of islands
Doreen Georgi & Mary Amaechi
10:30 am –
10:45 am
Session 9A
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Dmitry Privoznov
Session 9B
Room 32-141
(Stata Center, Building 32)
Chair: Frank Staniszewski
10:45 am
Which-questions, uniqueness, and answerhood: evidence from disjunction
Michaela Socolof, Bernhard Schwarz & Aron Hirsch
Dorothy Ahn
11:15 am
11:45 am –
12:00 pm
12:00 pm –
1:00 pm
Concepts and Compositionality (Or, ‘Escape from Alcatraz’)
Gillian Ramchand
Room 32-123
(Stata Center, Building 32)
1:00 pm –
2:30 pm
Business Meeting
Room 32-123
Poster Session 1 (Friday, October 25th)
- A Computational Analysis of Tone Sandhi Ordering Paradoxes
- Chris Oakden & Jane Chandlee
- A non-existential analysis for the German impersonal pronoun `man’ in episodic sentences
- Sarah Zobel
- Against the in situ account of sluicing: The case of French
- Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Tanja Temmerman
- Counterexpectation, free choice, and concessives in Tibetan
- Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine
- Determinacy Theory of Movement
- Nobu Goto & Toru Ishii
- Disjunction is not Boolean: novel evidence from Tiwa
- Virginia Dawson
- Evidence for polarity head: On the interaction of A’-movement and negation in Igbo
- Mary Amaechi
- French subjects are interveners
- Ramona Wallner
- Head Hiding
- Andreas Blümel & Nobu Goto
- Left branch extraction, freezing and object shift in Tumbalá Ch’ol
- Carol-Rose Little
- Minimal sufficiency readings of necessity modals
- Émile Enguehard
- Morphological person restrictions and the pressure to realize local persons
- Emily Drummond & Zachary O’Hagan
- Negative concord is multiple agreement: sentential and phrasal negation in Washo
- Emily Hanink
- One probe to Agree with them all: Kickapoo portmanteau agreement is syntactic
- Will Oxford & Yadong Xu
- Pronoun resolution, i-within-i effects and antecedent-contained deletion
- Paul Marty
- Pseudo-noun incorporation: A DP/VP approach
- Imke Driemel
- Reduplicant Shape Alternations in Ponapean: Evidence Against Morphological Doubling Theory
- Sam Zukoff
- Reflexivity and reciprocity in Italian: an ambiguous matter
- Giada Palmieri & Imke Kruitwagen
- The Distinction Between True and Pseudo Denominals? It’s an Illusion!
- Adina Camelia Bleotu & Jelke Bloem
- The division of labor between representations and cophonologies in doubly conditioned processes in Amuzgo
- Yuni Kim & Hannah Sande
- The ‘only’-concord in Vietnamese: Support for the bipartite analysis and Undermerge
- Yenan Sun
- Why *”if or not” but ✓”whether or not”
- Danfeng Wu
Poster Session 2 (Saturday, October 26th)
- A puzzle of ko-occurrence: Negative indefinites in San Martin Peras Mixtec
- Benjamin Eischens
- A Unified Analysis of Temporal in-adverbials (alternate talk)
- Vincent Rouillard
- A unified licensing based approach to DSM and DOM: Evidence from subject-object person effects
- Gurmeet Kaur
- At the syntax-pragmatics interface: a quantitative study of aspect in locative inversion
- Schuyler Laparle
- Configurational Information Structure: Evidence from Brazilian Portuguese
- Renato Lacerda
- Deriving Wh-Correlatives in Mandarin Chinese: Wh-movement and (Island) Identity
- Sherry Yong Chen
- Ellipsis does not bleed Lowering. Evidence from do-support and fragment answers in Finno-Ugric
- Ekaterina Georgieva, Martin Salzmann & Philipp Weisser
- Implicit arguments and relativized minimality
- Dimitris Michelioudakis
- Interpreting movement across phase boundaries
- Ethan Poole
- Language-Specific Factors Influence Learnability: Case Study from Contour Tone Licensing
- Charlie O’Hara
- Locality or recency: A story of two Chinese reflexives
- Jun Lyu, Fenqi Wang, Dawei Lu & Yiyuan Chen
- Minimalism Meets Mathematics: Movement as Factorization
- Masakazu Kuno
- Morphological exceptions to de-pharyngealization in Cairene Arabic
- Bernard O’Connor
- Movement and C-Command in German Complex Prefields: The Case Against Structure Removal
- Hagen Blix
- Obviative agreement, word order, and the φ/δ divide
- Christopher Hammerly
- Parentheticals associate with their hosts pragmatically, not syntactically: Evidence from as-parentheticals
- Andrew McInnerney
- Perceived Pitch and Formant Frequencies in the perception of lexical tones in Cantonese
- Jon Nissenbaum, Qian Min Feng & Amy Wu
- Person-number asymmetries in switch reference
- Coppe van Urk & Andrew Nevins
- “Privative case”: displacement & renewal in the negative domain
- Josh Phillips
- Reduplication without segments: verb doubling as a prosodic repair
- Bronwyn M. Bjorkman
- The Argument Structure Syntax of Statives: New Evidence from a Phrasal Stative Passive
- Alison Biggs
- The Principle Minimal Compliance and derivational competition in South Caucasian agreement
- Steven Foley
- Unifying NPIs, FCIs, and Unconditionals in Dravidian
- Rahul Balusu
- Velar Palatalization in Modern Italian inflectional morphology
- Enrico Flor