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Call for Papers

The submission window for NELS 54 is now closed.

We invite abstracts for 20-minute talks and posters on any theoretical or formal aspect of natural language, including but not limited to phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces. All submitted abstracts will be considered for the general session as well as the two special sessions on Austronesian Languages and Experimental methods in Linguistic Theory. Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one paper being single-authored.

Special session on Austronesian languages:

The Austronesian language family is one of the most extensive in the world, both geographically and in terms of number of languages. Although a considerable amount of attention has been devoted to certain aspects of their grammar, various corners of their syntax, semantics, and phonology remain underresearched. Moreover, a large part of existing work concerns languages with larger speech communities like Tagalog and Indonesian, whereas the majority of the hundreds of smaller languages remain understudied. We invite contributions engaging with any aspect of Austronesian language and linguistics.

Special session on Experimental methods in Linguistic Theory:

We invite abstracts focusing on the use of experimental methodology to investigate how humans acquire, process, produce, or perceive language. In line with work generally featured at NELS, we are especially interested in research that is informed by and informs theoretical work in syntax, semantics, phonology, and their interfaces.

Abstract Guidelines:

  • Abstracts, including references and data, must not exceed two A4 or letter pages, have 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides, and be set in Times New Roman with a font size no smaller than 11pt.
  • Examples, tables, graphs, etc. must be interspersed into the text of the abstract, rather than collected at the end.
  • The submission must not reveal the identity of the author(s) in any way.
  • Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one paper being single-authored.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format through the NELS 54 Oxford Abstracts page, by September 21st, 2023 at 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).

NOTE: NELS 54 will give preference to new work. For this reason, authors will be asked on the OA submission page to indicate if your work is under review for publication or has been accepted for presentation at a major conference. This information will not be shared with reviewers. 


  • Submission deadline: September 21st, 2023 at 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
  • Notification of decisions: Late OctoberNovember 2, 2023
  • Conference dates: January 26th – 27th, 2024.